Last updated on October 21, 2015
Today a customer ask why his IBM Connections is not sending notifications and recent upddates is not working anymore.
I got the SystemOut.log and see the following:
[10/1/15 11:20:15:201 BRT] 000001e2 JMSPublisher E publishEvent CLFWY0148E: Could not obtain an event connection [10/1/15 11:20:15:201 BRT] 000001e2 LocalExceptio E CNTR0020E: EJB threw an unexpected (non-declared) exception during invocation of method “publishEvent” on bean “BeanId(, null)”. Exception data: CLFWY0148E: Could not obtain an event connection at at |
The problem: The message engine was not working (started).
To solve the problem:
1 – Shutdown the Connections nodes
2- Clear some files on the disk
(Delete only the files but not the directories)
Restart the servers