Installing Domino in Microsoft Clustering


From TN 1382829

Single partition in MS Cluster

  1. Install a Domino server on the first node with the single partition residing on F:.  For example, F:data.
  2. Set up a Domino server and rename the host to the cluster hostname that is specified in “Customize”.
  3. Install a Domino server on the second node.
  4. Copy the file, notes.ini, to the program directory from the first node to the second node. For single partitioned servers, the file notes.ini is located in the program directory.
  5. Edit the service registry keys to be exactly the same on both nodes.
  6. Set the Domino service start type to manual  for failover to work for Domino services.

Configure Domino server failover using MS clustering
You need to add Domino service(s) as a resource in an active cluster group. Domino does not have any specific resource designed for MS cluster; therefore, we use a generic service that MS cluster provides.

  1. Select one active group such as Cluster group or Group 0.
  2. Add “New” -> “Resource” to the group.
  3. Select “Generic Service” in resource type.
  4. Use the name “Cluster Domino Service.”
  5. Add both Microsoft Windows servers to the cluster, and then be sure all other resources are available before Cluster Domino Service1 starts by adding all other resources as dependencies.
  6. Verify that you are using a service name, not a display name.
  7. Ensure Domino services on both Microsoft Windows servers have the same service name.

No registry replication is needed

Cluster Microsoft com 02 nós e disco C: para sistema e E: para dados.


01 – Registrar o servidor Domino no livro de endereços. Procedimento normal de criação de um servidor.
02 – Instalar o Domino server em um dos nós. Neste momento deve-se colocar os executáveis do Domino no disco C:LotusDomino e o data no disco E:LotusDominoData
03 – Configurar o servidor Domino. Na parte de configuração de rede deve-se customizar o endereço e utilizar o endereço do cluster microsoft. No caso o nome que utilizamos foi NOTESCLT
04- Instalar o Language pack normalmente
05- Instalar Fixes normalmente.
06 – Colocar o serviço do Domino em modo MANUAL.
07 – Iniciar o servidor Domino como aplicativo para verificar seu funcionamento.
08 – Mover o disco e: para o outro nó do CLUSTER MICROSOFT
09 – Executar os passos 02 a 06 novamente no novo nó
10 – Copiar o NOTES.INI do primeiro nó para o segundo nó

Configurar o Servidor Domino como failover do MS Cluster. Esta tarefa é realizada pelo administrador do Windows.