The Purge Interval Replication settings stop expired documents from replicating back into databases
The Purge Interval Replication Controle ( PIRC ) is set on a database, to prevent expired documents or deletions to replicate back into that database from a different replica
It will not stop new documents or new deletions from replicating to that replica.
– If Pirc is disabled on a replica, then expired documents and deletions will replicate to that replica.
New documents and new deletions will always replicate – Pirc does not interfere with new documents
PIRC is set in the Notes client : File > Replication > Options for this Application > Space Savers.
There are 6 different scenario’s possible :
1- Push ( sent ) from a PIRC enabled to a Pirc enabled database replica
2.- Pull ( receive ) from a PIRC enabled to a Pirc enabled database replica
3.- Push ( sent ) from a PIRC enabled to a Pirc disabled database replica
4.- Push ( sent ) from a PIRC disabled to a Pirc enabled database replica
5.- Pull ( receive ) from a PIRC disabled to a Pirc enabled database replica
6.- Pull ( receive ) from a PIRC enabled to a Pirc disabled database replica
What will the result be in the different scenario’s above ?
Expired documents and deletions will NOT replicate in scenarios 1. 2, 4 and 5. Pirc stops them because Pirc is Enabled on the destination.
Expired documents and deletions will replicate in scenarios 3 and 6
So only in the case where the destination of the replication does not have PIRC enabled, the replication will pull in expired documents and deletions.
This happens even if the source replica has PIRC enabled.
I found the information above on a draft TN when i was searching information about PIRC