I am using Centos for all IBM Software i work with. Domino, WebSphere Portal, DB2, ITDS to name a few. The last software was Watson Explorer Enterprise and Advanced.
I know Centos is not supported by IBM but it works
During the setup of analytical components version 11.0.2 the installer was not working with and the error message is bellow:
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
Launching installer...
JRE libraries are missing or not compatible....
I search for a solution and IBM has a technote about the problem on version 11.0.0. To solve just install the 32 bit libraries
- zlib-devel.i686
- libXext.i686
- libXft.i686
- libXi.i686
- libXp.i686
- libXtst.i686
Another problem was when i launch the ESAdmin interface http://server:8390/ESAdmin after start the services with the command esadmin service startall
FFQM0142E The system is not running. To start the system, log in as the administrator on any server and enter: esadmin system startall
Again i need to verify all libraries. libstdc++.i686 and libstdc++ was not installed .
For wex fc and analytics component you need the following:
libstdc++33 (compat-libstdc++-33.i686 / libstdc++33-32bit)
libstdc++ (libstdc++.i686 / libstdc++6-32bit)
zlib (zlib.i686 / libz1-32bit / zlib-32bit)
libXext (libXext.i686 / libXext6-32bit / xorg-x11-libXext-32bit)
libXft (libXft.i686 / libXft2-32bit / xorg-x11-libs-32bit)
libXi (libXi.i686 / libXi6-32bit / xorg-x11-libs-32bit)
libXp (libXp.i686 / libXp6-32bit / xorg-x11-libXp-32bit)
libXtst (libXtst.i686 / libXtst6-32bit / xorg-x11-libs-32bit)