The general procedure to create a new theme using webdav is:
1 – connect to http://<server>:<port>/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/themelist/
2 – Copy the original theme from IBM to your disk
3 – Modify some files and them upload the files to the file store.
My team and i used this general rule for several projects but recently this kind of procedure failed.
When we copy the files back to the file store we get a permission error at the folder metadata
I raise a PMR and the L3 support will change the documentation with the following:
“Hint: With some WebDAV clients it can happen that you get an error “You need permission to perform this action”.
In this case, you have to explicitly create the root folder of the new theme with the WebDAV client first.
The metadata folder and the file get created automatically with default content.
You can now open the newly created folder and copy the contents of your local folder into the remote folder thus replacing the
generated meta-data.”
Obs: Before i open the PMR i tried several webdav clients, including making a copy using finder on my mac. Every client get the same error.