Tag: linux

Linux Containers have emerged as a key open source application packaging and delivery technology, combining lightweight application isolation with the flexibility of image-based deployment methods.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) base images are meant to form the foundation for the container images you build. As of April 2019, new Universal Base Image (UBI) versions of RHEL standard, minimal, init, and Red Hat Software Collections images are available that add to those images the ability to be freely redistributed.

RHEL minimal images provide a base for your own container images that is less than half the size of the standard image, while still being able to draw on RHEL software repositories and maintain any compliance requirements your software has.

Building custom images using Containerfile or Dokerfile  sometimes you need to install packages on top of the minimal images of RHEL.  You need to use microdnf to install things not dnf /yum.

Answer: As minimal as stated: no Python and no Python module dependencies. Which are quite many packages to think of it.

I suppose the actual gap will come also from the fact of not using Python:

  • There is no Python interface, and thus you can’t invoke microdnf from a Python code using a consistent API. You’ll have to resort to using the subprocess Python module
  • Actual dnf can be expanded with many additional commands provided by the dnf-plugins-core and other plugin packages. You may not expect any of those features in microdnf. They will hardly ever make it to microdnf.





Today i will install Code Ready. You can install Openshift on your laptop. See this link . My RHEL 8.4 VM has a small disk and first i need to resize the disk and then install CodeReady

Using this commands i change from 20 GB to 50GB disk

First you need to locate the vm disk with the command

sudo virsh domblklist rhel8-1

the output was:

Target Source
vda /var/lib/libvirt/images/rhel8-2-clone.qcow2
sda –

To resize the disk the VM must be not running and must not have a snapshot.

Just type this command and add 30GB

sudo qemu-img resize /var/lib/libvirt/images/rhel8-2-clone.qcow2 +30G

Start the vm and verify the disk using lsblk command

sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
vda 252:0 0 50G 0 disk
|-vda1 252:1 0 1G 0 part /boot
`-vda2 252:2 0 29G 0 part
|-rhel-root 253:0 0 26G 0 lvm /
`-rhel-swap 253:1 0 3G 0 lvm [SWAP]


Linux openshift

Today i upgrade one server to Domino 11.0.1 from Domino 11.0 on linux.  When the server starts the HTTP  the console show the error bellow:


[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:45 AM JVM: Java Virtual Machine initialized.
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:45 AM HTTP Server: Java Virtual Machine loaded
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: at com.ibm.domino.http.bootstrap.BootstrapOSGIClassLoader.loadClassFromBundle(BootstrapOSGIClassLoader.java:136)
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: at com.ibm.domino.http.bootstrap.BootstrapOSGIClassLoader.launchOSGIFramework(BootstrapOSGIClassLoader.java:88)
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: at com.ibm.domino.http.bootstrap.BootstrapOSGIClassLoader.loadClass(BootstrapOSGIClassLoader.java:63)
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:881)
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: at com.ibm.domino.http.bootstrap.BootstrapClassLoader.findClass(BootstrapClassLoader.java:79)
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: Caused by:
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No class loader available for the bundle: com.ibm.xsp.domino_11.0.0.20191120-0552 [226]
[103028:000002-00007F2CD562E740] 06/18/2020 10:40:50 AM HTTP JVM: at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxBundle.loadClass(EquinoxBundle.java:579)


The solution was to delete all content of the folder /opt/lotus/notes/latest/linux/osgi/shared/eclipse/plugins and run the installer again.

Domino Linux

A good DNS service is very important for a mail server.

On Linux servers you need to put your DNS servers on a file called resolv.conf. In general you have two entries like this:


If one server does not respond then linux will try the second, but there is a timeout for this:

                     Sets the amount of time the resolver will wait for a
                     response from a remote name server before retrying the
                     query via a different name server. This may not be the
                     total time taken by any resolver API call and there is
                     no guarantee that a single resolver API call maps to a
                     single timeout.  Measured in seconds, the default is
                     RES_TIMEOUT (currently 5, see <resolv.h>).  The value
                     for this option is silently capped to 30.

If you want to speed this resolution change resolv.conf to:

options rotate
options timeout:1

Using the configuration above, both nameserver in rotation and wait max. 1 second for answer before trying the next one.


Yesterday i was installing a TSM Server for our company. The db2 installer complain about the /tmp size.

The installer need 2,5GB and my /tmp has only 2 GB.

I create a “disk” using dd command with 4GB on a partition with lots of space.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/usr/tmpDSK bs=1024k count=4096
mkfs -t ext3 /usr/tmpDSK
file /usr/tmpDSK
umount /tmp

mount -o loop,exec,nosuid,rw /usr/tmpDSK /tmp

After the db2 installation i umount the /tmp and mount it back using fstab -a

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