Some users make the mistake of sending messages that should not go to some people and not save the sent message which complicates the use of the recall. I found this documentation in a TechNote that can help solve the problem
Create one LotusScript agent in Domino Directory with all default properties such as it will run on event and target documents are all selected documents. Paste below code in the agent.
Save the agent and open domino directory from Notes Client. Select the person documents for which users the mail has to be deleted from their mail file. And then select Tools–><
Once successful, the confirmation message will be popped up. Please ensure that the id by which agent will be signed should be present in mail file of user’s ACL.
Change subject text in below code.
Option Public
Option Declare
%Include "lsconst.lss"
Sub Initialize
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim db1 As NotesDatabase
Dim noofrec As Integer
Dim mailserv As String
Dim mailfl As String
noofrec =0
Dim doccol As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim searchstring As String
Dim doc1 As NotesDocument
Dim doc2 As NotesDocument
Set db=s.Currentdatabase
Set view=db.Getview("($Users)")
Set dc=db.Unprocesseddocuments
Set doc=dc.GetFirstDocument
searchstring "hi swati how r u" 'change this text
While Not doc Is Nothing
mailserv = doc.GetItemValue("MailServer")(0)
mailfl = doc.GetItemValue ("MailFile")(0)
Set db1 = s.GetDatabase(mailserv,mailfl)
If Not db1 Is Nothing Then
If db1.IsOpen Then
Set doccol = db1.FTSearch(searchstring,0)
Set doc1 = doccol.GetFirstDocument
While Not doc1 Is Nothing
Set doc2 = doccol.GetNextDocument(doc1)
Call doc1.RemovePermanently(True)
Set doc1 = doc2
noofrec = noofrec + 1
End If
End If
Set doc = dc.Getnextdocument(doc)
If noofrec <> 0 Then
MsgBox noofrec & " record(s) successfully updated " , MB_OK, "Lotus Notes"
End If
End sub