This open mic presentation has 40 tips on the mail routing subject.
The tip #24 – How to make Domino relay server to route mail to mutiple SMTP hosts help me today.
Within the Domino “Relay host” field, two list delimiters are allowed – comma( , ) and semicolon( ;). The delimiter will set the method
Method 1:Load balancing mode : host1, host2
In this example, the router will take the group of hosts at the same preference level (host1 and host2) and try to connect to these hosts in a random order.
Method 2:Fail over mode : host1; host2
Inthis example, the router will take preference of first host (host1) to route emails. If host1 stops responding, then the Domino router will move on to the next host (host2) i.e the next
preference level