This technote contains important IBM Notes Traveler support information for Apple iOS 8.x device users
Q1. Is support for Apple iOS 8.x devices planned for day one for Notes Traveler?
Yes. Notes Traveler 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 2 and later versions will support iOS 8.x devices as soon as they become available.
Q2. Is support for iOS 8.x devices planned on day one for SmartCloud Notes Traveler?
Yes. The SmartCloud Notes Traveler environment will also support iOS 8.x devices as soon as they become available.
Q3. Will Notes Traveler Companion & To Do applications support iOS 8.x?
Yes, we are expecting to very soon push to iTunes new versions of Notes Traveler Companion and To Do applications that will support iOS 8.x devices. This technote will be updated with specific version information once the new versions are posted.
Q4. What Notes Traveler functionality will be supported on devices running iOS 8.x?
Functionality and features comparable with those in previously supported releases. New features added in iOS 8.x will not immediately be supported with Notes Traveler; however, support for new features may be introduced over time. This technote will be updated to reflect any new feature limitations or statements of support.
Q5. Should I upgrade my Notes Traveler server now in preparation for iOS 8.x devices?
Notes Traveler server versions 9.0.1 Interim Fix 5 and Interim Fix 6 include an update to correctly recognize and handle iOS 8.x devices (per APAR LO81825). Prior to this update, iOS 8.x devices may not have been able to connect to the Notes Traveler server if security settings prohibit unsecured devices or if restricting access by device type or user agent. For additional information on these releases, see the Index of Recommended Maintenance.
Q6. Will there be any Notes Traveler server updates for iOS 8x?
Yes, most likely. We are currently testing Notes Traveler with iOS 8 devices. And although most functions should work without issue from day one, closely after the release of iOS 8 it is very likely that we will release a Notes Traveler Interim Fix to address any issues that we find during testing. This technote will updated to indicate any recommended Interim Fixes should and when they become available.
Q7. Is the beta version of iOS 8.x supported with Notes Traveler or SmartCloud Notes Traveler?
No, iOS beta versions are not supported with Notes Traveler or SmartCloud Notes Traveler. Should you report a problem with Notes Traveler on a beta iOS release, you will be asked to upgrade to the official release when it becomes available to verify whether the problem exists in the supported version.