LotusScript button to remove individual names that have been cached in $users view of local address book. This script is from TN 139749
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim sess As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim contact As String
Dim tempInternetAddress As String
Dim tempMailAddress As String
Dim result As Integer
Dim confirmResult As Integer
‘ Getting local names.nsf
Set db = sess.GetDatabase(“”,”names.nsf”,False)
If db Is Nothing Then
Messagebox “Unable to find local name.nsf. Exiting…”
Exit Sub
End If
‘ Getting recent contacts view
Set view = db.GetView(“RecentCollaborators”)
contact = “”
‘ Prompting user for name
contact = Lcase(Cstr(Inputbox(“Please input an internet address Notes adress, examples:” + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + “[email protected] or User/Org”)))
If contact = “” Then
Messagebox “You must enter in a value. Exiting…”
Exit Sub
End If
‘ Getting first document in view
Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
‘ If the document is of an smtp (internet address) then search the InternetAddress field other wise search the MailAddress (Notes Name) field
If Instr(contact,”@”) Then
While Not doc Is Nothing
tempMailAddress = “”
tempInternetAddress = “”
tempInternetAddress = Lcase(doc.InternetAddress(0))
If tempInternetAddress <> “” Then
If Instr(tempInternetAddress,contact) Then
tempMailAddress = doc.MailAddress(0)
result = Messagebox (“Do you want to delete user (” + tempMailAddress + “) with internet address (” + tempInternetAddress + “) or cancel serach?”,3 + 32)
If result = 2 Then ‘ Canceling Search
Exit Sub
Elseif result = 6 Then ‘ Requesting deletion
confirmResult = Messagebox (“Confirm deletion” , 4)
If confirmResult = 6 Then ‘ Confirm Deletion
Call doc.Remove(True)
Messagebox “Message deleted. Exiting….”
Exit Sub
End If
Else ‘ Otherwise continue search
Print “Continuing to search….”
End If
End If
End If
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc)
Dim tempName As NotesName
Set tempName = sess.CreateName(contact)
contact = Lcase(tempName.Canonical)
While Not doc Is Nothing
tempMailAddress = “”
tempInternetAddress = “”
tempMailAddress = Lcase(doc.MailAddress(0))
If tempMailAddress <> “” Then
If Instr(tempMailAddress,contact) Then
tempInternetAddress = doc.InternetAddress(0)
result = Messagebox (“Do you want to delete user (” + tempMailAddress + “) with internet address (” + tempInternetAddress + “) or cancel serach?”,3 + 32)
If result = 2 Then ‘ Canceling Search
Exit Sub
Elseif result = 6 Then ‘ Requesting deletion
confirmResult = Messagebox (“Confirm deletion” , 4)
If confirmResult = 6 Then ‘ Confirm Deletion
Call doc.Remove(True)
Messagebox “Message deleted. Exiting….”
Exit Sub
End If
Else ‘ Otherwise continue search
Print “Continuing to search….”
End If
End If
End If
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc)
End If
End Sub