This week i spend several hours to setup a machine with IBM Cognos and IBM Connections 5 CR2 on SLES 11 SP3 using Oracle as database.
The Cognos wizard complete the CognosBI setup but Trasnformer not.
I set the logs to debug level and the messages does not help.
The problem was when the error appears the wizard roll back the installation of CognosBI removing everything from WebSphere.
After several reviews of the SLES libraries and Oracle client setup i made the setup only for CognosBI (previously i setup CognosBI + Transformer) successfully.
I try to open the cognos URL like http://server:port/cognos/servlet/dispatch/ext but the server doesn’t send any response
Reading the cognos.log i found the following :
Initialization_SESS Initialization_REQ Thread-70 CM 6304 1 Audit.cms.CM StartService Warning
CM-CFG-5063 A Content Manager configuration error was detected while connecting to the content store. sealing violation:
package oracle.jdbc is sealed Runtime Exception stack trace: java.lang.SecurityException: sealing violation: package oracle.jdbc is sealed
I don’t now why but the installer copy the orajdbc6.jar into Cognos.ear. I stop the cognos server, remove the orajdbc6.jar from the lib folder inside of cognos.ear and start the server.
The cognosBI works and Transformer was installed without problems.
The steps i follow
1 – Setup Cognos BI
2 – Stop the server and remove the orajdbc6.jar from the cognos.ear
3 – Start the Cognos Server
4 – Setup the Transformer