If you use IBM Notes and do not saw this error, don´t panic, soon or late you will see.
1. Create a new Location Document in the local names.nsf.
This forces Notes to not use the cached “last known good address” which is kept even with a reboot.
2. Use a simple formula agent to clear the fields in the Location Document, as follows:
FIELD $SavedAddresses := "";
FIELD $SavedPorts := "";
FIELD $SavedServers := "";
FIELD $SavedDate := "";
FIELD $SavedTriedDate := "";
NOTE: For testing purposes, you can insert the following parameter in the notes.ini file: dont_use_remembered_addresses=1
This parameter is read by the Notes client ONLY during startup. Its purpose is to test server searches. The parameter does not clear the address cache and is not designed to do so. It causes Notes to not load remembered paths stored in the cache. Use this for testing purposes only since it is not a permanent solution to these errors.
The information is from TN 1100207