This error was throw CLFRQ0221E: Reference to directory services could not be retrieved.
Take the following steps to resolve this issue:
1. Login to the ISC.
2. Navigate to Security -> Global Security -> Single sign-on (SSO).
3. If “Interoperability Mode” is enabled, then you must specify the case-sensitive default names of “LtpaToken” and “LtpaToken2” for the
“LTPA V1 cookie name” and “LTPA V2 cookie name” fields respectively.
4. Synchronize the nodes & restart Connections.
[*Please note that the Help tips for these fields contain the incorrect case of “LTPAToken” and “LTPAToken2”.
See screenshots:
This defect is documented in the following APAR, which is due to be fixed in WAS FixPack
The information is from TN 1635025